Each Region of Italy has a different History and Climate which have, through the centuries, influenced the art of garden design. From the lush area of the Northern Lakes district to the dry and dramatic landscape of the South and the Islands, there are spectacular gardens awaiting you.

Our goal is to introduce you to the world of Italian garden design through visits to these and to many of the lesser known private gardens around the country.

Italy is a country of natural beauty, Art and Architecture. It naturally follows that it has some of the most beautiful historic and contemporary gardens in the World. Our garden itineraries are designed to introduce you to the most important of these gardens. Some are known the World over for the beauty of their design and plantings, others for their long histories. Our goal is to introduce you to the world of Italian garden design through visits to these and to many of the lesser known private gardens around the country. We try whenever possible go gain access for you to private gardens which are not normally open to the public where you will be welcomed as an exclusive guest by the owners to view the property and hear their own accounts of the history behind their garden’s creation.

Made-to-measure itineraries

Whichever location you choose, we can organize a personalized itinerary designed to give you an in-depth discovery of the gardens of that area.